In this video, I talk you through some of the items I sail and travel with to reduce my negative impact on the environment. I hope it gives you some ideas on what you can do to make a positive impact for a healthier ocean! If you have any questions, let me know in the comments of the video on youtube or in the comments of this blog post!
Check out the video for a few ideas you can incorporate into your travel adventures to reduce your plastic footprint!
Disclaimer: No brand is paying me to mention them! Recommendations are based on my own investigation and testing. It’s YOU who enables me to create this content by supporting in your way. THANK YOU!
In this video, I talk you through some of the items I sail and travel with to reduce my negative impact on the environment. I hope it gives you some idea on what you can do to make a positive impact for a healthier ocean! If you have any questions, let me know in the comments of the video on youtube or in the comments of this blog post!
Check out the video for a few ideas you can incorporate in your travel adventures to reduce your plastic footprint!
Disclaimer: No brand is paying me to mention them! Recommendations are based on my own investigation and testing. It’s the VIPirate Patrons who enable me to make these videos. THANK YOU!
Find below a list and links of some of the items mentioned in the video
What items can you put in your zero waste travel kit?
1. Refillable Water bottle
Here are a few reusable bottles suggestions.
2. Travel-friendly WaterFilter
The one I choose for the boat: Katadyn Vario.
Available on
Read: 10 more individual travel-friendly water filter solutions
3. Bamboo ToothBrush
Try to find one with natural bristles too, like these on LifeWithoutPlastic (Americas/ Canada)
Europe: ZebraWoo + Charcoal floss
4. Self Made toothpaste
Coconut oil + bakingsoda+ essential oil + activated charcoals
Mouthwater rinse: seawater!
5. Ocean Friendly Soap/Shampoo
6. Straws
Here are some straw alternatives
I make my own bamboo straws for my travel kit.
Become a VIPirate and I cargo sail one to you!
7. Sunscreen
Here is an extensive blog post on sunscreen.
In the Americas, I recommend Stream2Sea:
I use: The Ohm Collection (I source in the Netherlands)
And I make my own sunscreen. Here is how.
8. Produce Bags
I wrote a blog about bags here.
9. Food Wrappers
I recommend vegan wax wraps in your travel kit. Have a look at Etsy who is creating what in your area.
My go-to shop in Holland: GreenJump
10. Toothpicks
11. Reusable TeaBags
12. Water Filter Drops
13. Reusable Bag
I just created these #PLASTICFREENOMAD bags :) With the transparent / as eco-friendly as I could find – brand Rapa Nui. Would you like one? You can get one as a VIPirate.
14. Take-Away Box
I use my diving mask box for take away food.
A transparent brand I recommend: EcoLunchBox
15. Natural Deodorant
Baking soda works great!
Also nice (Dutch Brand): Lekker in een Potje
16. Local Circular Design
17. Coffee grinds
Bonus! Not mentioned in the video:
Reusable Cup
And check this blogpost on what else is in my eco-friendly travel kit.
Rethink Research Reduce Reuse and Recycle Upcycle!
If we all do our bit all together we can make a big wave of change!
Curious and excited to join me on a sailing trip? Keep on eye on the Trips page, join the Ocean Nomads Community and sign up for the newsletter (in the footer).
Other resources from the video:
The blog of Pirate in Crime Paula (@AllendeLosMares):
Jorge’s project: Sailing vs plastic
About Ocean Nomad TV
Ocean Nomad TV brings you the best of Ocean Nomad Life, my (hitch)sail adventures, ocean explorations and discoveries, and the journey from a total newbie in sailing to building a boat. With 5-20 minute videos, I aim to encourage, inspire for ocean adventure travel and saving our seas. I capture the good, the bad and the ugly.
Take part, support the mission, and become a Very Important Pirate. You’ll receive exclusive pirate access and support for your journey!
The mission: To connect people to the sea. From ocean experience comes awareness. From that, comes caring. From caring comes action and leadership.
Made possible by VIPirate Patrons. Thank you!
As always, opinions are my own. No organization or brand is paying me to write this or mention them. What matters is saving the ocean. Sometimes links to ocean-friendly alternatives to plastic contain affiliate links. If you’re looking to purchase something, huge thanks if you purchase it via this website (but try to find it locally first! ). At no extra cost to you, orders and bookings through this website give me a tiny piece of the pie that help me keep investigating, exploring and creating content about on ocean action and solutions! The information presented here is not a substitute for specific training or experience. When going into the outdoors it is your responsibility to have the proper knowledge, experience, and equipment to travel safely.
Here are more ways to support ocean awareness and action. Splashthanks!