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“Someday I sail across the Atlantic, starts TODAY!”

Here are some resources I wish were out there when I started figuring out how to travel by sailboat. Now, sailing 40.000 Miles, 25 countries, captaining, and 5 Atlantic Crossings later, I figured out some things. I hope this helps! Make it happen! With Ocean love, Suzanne

Exciting update: I’ve compiled my best tips on sailboat travel the world into a video course! Save yourself tons of time and money and learn from my mistakes. Check it out.



“A highly organized and helpful book with routes, ports, websites, and even some of the bars you should hang-out or go dockwalking to find your ride. Clear thinking and attention to details make Ocean Nomad useful to any captain or crew for an ocean passage. Her passion for conservation and sustainability offers insight into a ‘vagabond’ lifestyle that is also socially responsible.” – Yachting World
Ocean Nomad is a 400-page interactive Sailing across the Atlantic as Crew guide packed with inspiration and ‘how-to’s (and how not’s) on sailing the Atlantic ocean as crew. If you aspire to sail across the Atlantic, this is the resource to make it happen: happy, safe and meaningful.
It is full of practical advice and stories, persuading and informing the traveller to go from the idea of “I would like to cross the Atlantic”, to sipping a coconut on the other side celebrating. Ocean Nomad provides a comprehensive look at all aspects of crewing (from how to find a boat (30 pages of crewwebsites, harbours and places to go Online & Offline), figuring out if boat/captain/crew is safe/capable, packing, provisioning and much more) with interviews of 32 captains, 58 crew members who sailed the Atlantic Ocean for a wide perspective. In addition to providing the ‘how-to’s of sailing across the Atlantic as crew, Ocean Nomad informs and raises awareness about the state of our ocean, including +75 actionable takeaways on how we can make a difference for a healthier ocean as sailors and anyone.
All proceeds of Ocean Nomad go into more ocean conservation projects.
Join the Ocean Nomads community to accelerate your ocean adventure and impact dreams. We're +220 members of which 47 have a vessel, and often welcome fellow members on board, including the Atlantic. Find your answers, connections, and projects and ocean adventure friends.