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Are you an (aspiring) Ocean Nomad?

OCEAN NOMADS is a tribe of young (by heart:)) adventurous ocean lovers that are after an active sailing outdoor lifestyle. It's for sharing ideas & information on low-budget, mindful, positive impact ways to live and travel sustainably at sea. It's for the adventure spirits wishing to experience more of the world with sea travel, live simply, sporty, healthy, and after making a positive impact in the world that we call our playground.

Let's follow the wind, meet up, exchange experiences, learn from each other, (hitch) sail the seas, surf a wave, and make splashes together.

Whether you're a complete novice and curious or a salty sea gypsie already, welcome to join!

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A sailboat silhouette at sunset with text: "Sail with impact and community. New 2025 adventures! Ocean Nomads." A green button reads "Apply Today.