A few memorable moments and milestones of 2023 and what’s on the horizon for 2024.
We organized a sailing expedition around the Atlantic Ocean
With Ocean Nomads, I organized the biggest sailing adventure ever so far. From Amsterdam to Amsterdam, in 210 days a full circle around the Atlantic. In 13 legs, we’ve been sailing around the Atlantic. A next-level ocean adventure with the mission to connect people to the ocean and fellow ocean nomads, in a happy, safe and meaningful experience. By uniting people, experiences, connections, knowledge and stories, at sea, we can reach way further, help more, do more, and be more.
210 days, 13 legs, 15.000 Miles, 12 Countries, 37 Islands, 100 Ocean Nomads, 1000000 memorable moments 🙃 It went well! And I’m very proud of that! After having sailed 5 times across and writing a book about, it was so cool to now be able to take people across, happy and safe. I also slightly underestimated the workload that came with it all, and we take it easy with putting up the next events. There will be more! If you like to join a sailing trip with me and Ocean Nomads or with other adventurer, the best place to be the first to know is the Ocean Nomads Network.

We made a film with Ocean Nomads about our Atlantic Ocean Crossing
I joined for a few months Leg 3–10 of the voyage sailing around the Atlantic Ocean, starting with the Atlantic crossing. This was my 5th Atlantic Ocean Crossing. And this time, thanks to the presence of my man, Johnny Mango, we captured it in film. And it’s now on YouTube!
Coconuts, Mangoes, Hotsprings, Kitesurf and Freediving in the Caribbean
It has been exciting to once more criss cross the Caribbean by sailboat, and also to have some exploration below the surface and on the islands. This was my 4th season in the Caribbean.
I made big steps with that Caribbean Adventure Travel Guide, which I’ll try to finish soon! After 6 years, I also stepped foot again in Dominica, where I wrote a big part of my book in 2017, and explored below the surface with freediving. And we hiked across the Country! Up next

Hiking the Waitukubuli National Trail in Dominica
Waitukubuli National Trail completed ✅🏞🏕🍌🥥
14 segments, 12 days, 180 km💃🕺🏼across Dominica from south to north. WILD !
This year Jonte and I hiked the full Waitukubuli National Trail in Dominica. After months at sea, some wild soil under our feet was a refreshing thing! It was wild, a really rewarding, and beautiful experience. A beautiful way to see Dominica.
Not many people know about this trail. Not many people even know about the paradise country of Dominica (Not to be confused with Dominican Republic). But this hike is being acclaimed as the longest hiking trail in the entire Caribbean region, with 180 kilometres!
I found out about the trail in 2017. I was in Dominica, writing my book and taking a little break from sailing. This was just before Hurricane Maria. The country got hit hard by this hurricane, and only recently has the full trail been cleared. Some said we were actually the first who hiked the full trail again in one go. We ended up being in the national newspaper twice!
Here is a blog post where I share our experience and tips, so you can do it too. Well prepared!

Freediving again
Almost 10 years ago, I got hooked on freediving. It’s the deepest connection with the ocean I’ve ever experienced. I’ve even been teaching it:). And this year I realized some tropical freediving again, in Dominica. Dominica is a freedivers paradise with a sheltered bay that has serious depth swimmable from the shore. As well as a super nice freedive community. Go stay with the freedivers at Deep Dominica and the Soufriere guesthouse (budget & community next to a hotspring in the wild). The best place I have been to learn freediving and with cool relaxed healthy people around (that’s freedivers :).
Kayaking Camp trip With Wingo
This was a dream coming true! My adventure sister Sophie bought a classic kano and invited me for a trial out up the river. It was wild and muddy, and Wingo loved it. I loved it!

Hiking Tarifa to Ronda
I spent a couple of seasons in Tarifa exploring in, on and near the sea. But never inland! Until now. We just walked inland a little bit. Europe’s longest hiking trail starts here: the GR 7 from Tarifa to Athens.
A break from the glamping on the coast and screens and getting more fit and wild.
We only did the first bit (Tarifa to Ronda) for now and what a beautiful way to explore the backyard of one of the places I call home. I had no idea of the beauty and charm of the inlands. Pueblos Blancos, Caves, streams, mountain passes, strawberry trees. (yes trees!), springs, greenery, and paths made by the romans.
The best wellness retreat to get superpowered: A multi-day hike with a tent.

Meeting Dolphins in the Wild
Above the water and underwater. While sailing, surfing and freediving. This is all I dreamed of as a kid. And what drives me bigtime moving Ocean Nomads.
Discovering hotsprings in Spain
Instead of the coastal route south, I opted for the inland detour this time. For years, I’ve been curious to the Jerez National Park and the hot water pools in the Ourense zone. I didn’t have high expectations of it. And a broken car almost made me skip it but wow wow wow. What a beauty! And what a pools. It was just me, Wingo, the stars above us and 40 degrees hot water! I put my investigate hat on and discovered a few more wild pools in the zone, which I’ll keep a secret for now. I must go back and hike that area!

I launched a course on Sailboat Travel!
And it’s finished as from TODAY! I am so excited to help more of you discover ocean magic through sailing as crew! 8 years and 40.000 nautical miles of sailing experience as crew and captain, distilled into my best tips and tools to save you time, research and situations.
This is not a sailing course about learning HOW to sail, that’s only a tiny part of the sailing life. This is a course covering a lot of the rest, on how to be ocean adventure-ready as crew. To learn by doing, happy, safe and meaningful. Like how to: Be a prepared crew member, be safe, be an ocean ambassador, stay healthy, find the right boat match, to assess safety and lots more. Here’s an intro video
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Met my Ocean Parents again
Marjo & Edwin greatly inspired me when I started my first Atlantic Ocean Crossing in 2015. We have become great friends. I launched my book on their ship (& Marjo wrote the foreword). We didn’t cross paths in while until this year! So proud how they navigate nomadlife styles and to now see them in their new wild west habitat.

We moved to Morocco
The perk of having a nomadic tiny home on wheels: the freedom to change your frontyard in tune with nature. Like the birds go south with the season, so do we. We hopped over to Morocco. An hour ferry from Spain we find ourselves in a whole new place to discover. So far we love it. Lots of mint tea, hustling and bustling, so kind people, wildness for Wingo, surf and spectacular sunsets. And just BEing.
Grateful for having this home and with it the ability to be healthy, wild and free in nature and near the sea.
At the end, it’s the day to day and less ‘adventurous’ things are the biggest heartwarmers. Like a sleepover party with my nephews and niece, sharing picknicks with adventure sister Rolini, sharing stories around the campfire, cooking a meal with the neighbours, seeing my parents happy and healthy, and the day to day pleasures of breathing in ocean air, swimming and surfing, together with Wingo and Jonatan, and being able to stay or move based on flow and feeling, and not ruled by an agenda or ruled by weather.

Super duber grateful for 2023! Thank you for being part of it! And excited for 2024.
What’s up for 2024?
One of my goals is to CREATE! To get more content out. And to create new adventures. I feel like I’m 10 years behind sharing stories. I’m too busy living them. And living is what we’re meant to be doing right:), but I believe I can help many with getting some more stories and learnings out from my now 17 years of modern nomadic living. Let me know in the comments what you’d like to read more about! (Gear, stories, inspiration, sailing, hiking, vanlife, nomad hacks?) Your input will help me prioritize!
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I’m super excited to now have the Sailboat Crew Travel Discovery Course out and to let the world know about it (You can help me by sharing this page: https://oceannomads.co/travel-by-sail-course/ Thank you!). And if you are interested in being a referral partner, contact me.
On purpose, I have not planned 2024 yet, location-wise, to be able to have space to reflect, feel, flow, and create.

I’m also very excited to start studying Ayurveda, the oldest healing science, which is all about being healthy in tune with nature. I’ve been reading books on it for a couple of years, and learning by doing and discovering foraging and seaweed superpowers, but now I’m taking it to the next level and registered as a student with the European Institute of Scientific Research on Ayurveda. I hope to go to India too! (Welcoming tips on Ayurveda learning places). And I hope to be able to help people around me avoid getting sick through my Ayurveda learnings. As well as keep myself on top of my game. There are sooo many adventures to be lived and places to be discovered, so the best thing to focus on is staying vital and superpowered. I’m particularly interested in using Ayurveda knowledge for nomads and travellers. How can we stay in tune with nature when moving locations and seasons?
Last but not least, Ocean Nomads officially exists 3,5 years! Still floating and moving and I’m superproud of that. Thanks to Community Angel Bri and a strong ambassador team, the Ocean Nomads community keep going strong. Some exciting developments with that also this year! If you are a sailor or interested in sailing and have a big heart for nature, join the tribe!
Thank you for following! I wish you a happy wild adventurous 2024! 🥳
Let me know in the comments what you are most interested in seeing blogs and video of! (Gear, stories, inspiration, sailing, hiking, vanlife, nomad hacks, ayurveda?) Thanks so much!
It looks like so much fun! I hope that one day I will be able to have a year full of adventures!